Academic Alacrity

Forced Preparedness?

Is there a way to force self-preparedness?

For all the talk about being ready, there is a reality even the most ardent disaster preparation advocates must face – most of our time is spent not dealing with disasters. For most people, life is hectic and expensive. It isn’t folly that causes a lack of preparation for the worst, it’s practicality.

Knowing this, how can we work against our own nature of getting lost in life? As with other aspects, the best solution may simply be to get ones self involved. By adding a responsibility to others, many of us may learn to be more responsible for ourselves.

Fortunately, simple solutions are available. Among many others is the CERT program (Community Emergency Response Training). CERT is a Department of Homeland Security supported program administered by local emergency Response teams that trains and empowers citizens to handle disasters locally. However, it by extension also helps assists citizens to keep themselves safe and prepared. Department of Homeland Security. (n.d.). Community Emergency Response Team. Retrieved April 18, 2018, from

CERT volunteers are trained to respond safely, responsibly, and effectively to emergency situations, but they can also support their communities during non-emergency events as well.

By not “going it alone”, you simply aren’t as likely to keep making preparations “soon as I get a moment”. CERT is just one of many no-cost options available, but the answer is the same. Be willing to take on responsibility, and you’ll be by extension more likely to be ready yourself when calamities come calling.

Visit to find a program in your area.


Author: Damon Caskey

Hello all, Damon Caskey here - the esteemed owner of this little slice of cyberspace. Welcome!

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