Academic Alacrity

The Prepper Underground

Think you’re ready for anything? VivosxPoint would like a word with you. Why bother stocking piling supplies, training yourself, or being aware of the situation at all? Vivos promises Life Assurance – for a price.

This author must ask right away, exactly how would a “life assurance” guarantee work? By definition, you’re not likely to have unsatisfied customers. Vivos seems to believe the solution is to lease bunkers in the long abandoned Fort Igloo. Welcome to the xPoint Survival Community (, brainchild of founder Robert Vicino.

Dobson, J. (2016, October 07). Inside the World’s Largest Underground Survival Community. Retrieved January 24, 2018, from

The massive complex is spread over a sprawling and remote, off-grid area of approximately 18-square miles. It is strategically and centrally located in one of the safest areas of North America, at a high and dry altitude of 3,800 feet, relatively mild weather and well inland from all large bodies of water. It is over 100 miles from the nearest known military nuclear targets.

Additionally, Vivios promises 24-7 security, monitoring, and for those willing to pay, all amenities provided. Do it yourself types are welcome too. Just sign on for the ninety-nine year bunker lease and season to fit. All for the low, low price of 25K USD.

If any of this rings sarcastic, it’s not by accident. I’m being generous opining the practicality is questionable. At best. The very slogan found on Vivos own site borders on hilarity.

The Vivos Group (2009). Vivos xPoint Survival Community. Retrieved January 24, 2018, from

When it comes to survival, it is not how close or the proximity of your shelter that matters; what does matter is the survivability!

Sure. For when the end comes, no doubt getting from a Manhatten loft or an LA suburb to your bulletproof bunker in the nation’s breadbasket won’t be an issue at all.

Survival comes in many forms. Awareness. Training. Equipment. Yes, shelter. Sadly, even a bit of luck at times. A fortified pillbox in what is to most of us the middle of nowhere sounds great if you can afford it, but does little to fulfill basic needs in a real disaster. After all, you have to live long enough to get there first. Might I suggest a bit of free CERT training and keeping some basic needs on hand? You won’t get a Life Assurance guarantee, but you might get a better assurance on life.

Author: Damon Caskey

Hello all, Damon Caskey here - the esteemed owner of this little slice of cyberspace. Welcome!

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