Technology Temerity

Variants List

Listing of known global variants used in Golden Axe Remake. Many of these are holdovers from Utunnels original scripts and can be eliminated or replaced with value retrieval.

Note this is not an accurate count, as some name strings are created by inserting a relevant index to simulate an array. Binding, shadow trails, and auxiliary damage system all operate in this manor. The door spawn system appears to use a similar technique, but it is a carry over from Utunnels coding that I have not yet viewed in detail. I would also like to convert the names to Hungarian Notation, but for now I think best to leave them be.

  1. corpse
  2. adder
  3. snake
  4. inscreen
  5. a_npc
  6. p
  7. dummy
  8. al_npc
  9. wake
  10. smallexp_count
  11. largeexp_count
  12. bbdelay
  13. g_npc
  14. “player”+index+”mp” (index = player index)
  15. darkone
  16. sleep
  17. levelminz
  18. levelmaxz
  19. t_npc
  20. doorindex
  21. “doortimer”+ind (ind = door index. Unknown how index is assigned).
  22. “doorspawn”+index
  23. “dooralias”+index
  24. “doormap”+index
  25. release
  26. pal
  27. maxpal
  28. sdx
  29. sdz
  30. addtime
  31. darkskeleton
  32. “trailer”+k+”.s”
  33. “trailer”+k+”.x”
  34. “trailer”+k+”.z”
  35. “trailer”+k+”.a”
  36. “trailer”+k+”.f”
  37. “trailer”+k+”.c”
  38. “trailer”+k+”.color”
  39. “trailer”+k+”.alpha”
  40. “trailer”+k+”.m”
  41. pot0
  42. pot1
  43. runanimal
  44. bbdelay
  45. countdown
  46. cstring
  47. player0mp
  48. player1mp
  49. player2mp
  50. “pot”+(c%100)
  51. doortimer1
  52. doorspawn1
  53. doormap1
  54. doortimer2
  55. doorspawn2
  56. dooralias1
  57. dooralias2
  58. doormap2
  59. switch
  60. etime
  61. time1
  62. time2
  63. vSelf + “.bind.” + iIndex (grappling binds)
  64. “hit”+i+”.a”
  65. “hit”+i+”.c”
  66. “hit”+i+”.t”
  67. “hit”+i+”.d”
  68. “hit”+i+”.k”
  69. “hit”+i+”.o”
  70. debug_bind0010_iMode
  71. debug_bind0010_iIndex
  72. debug_bind0010_iPose
  73. debug_bind0010_iX
  74. debug_bind0010_iY
  75. debug_bind0010_iZ
  76. debug_bind0010_iDir
  77. debug_bind0010_iFrame
  78. debug_bind0010_Rebind

Author: Damon Caskey

Hello all, Damon Caskey here - the esteemed owner of this little slice of cyberspace. Welcome!

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